

Xirrus is the leading provider of high-performance wireless networks. Xirrus solutions perform under the most demanding circumstances, offering consistent “wired-like” performance with superior coverage and security.

our challenge

Provide a management console for their hundreds of clients to easily configure, monitor and manage the Xirrus hardware solutions. There are multiple levels of users with varying degrees of requirements and expectations with respect to a hardware management interface. As they provide a world class product, Xirrus would like to provide leadership in design of their software offering as well.

project outcomes

The solution is delivered as a cloud based web application. It has evolved incrementally over several years using an Agile methodology. In addition, a mobile version was deployed concurrent to the main project development. The design also has the ability to be white-boxed and re-branded to re-sell partners around the globe. The core of the solution provides real time monitoring via a dashboard, powerful reporting tools, and of course, intuitive configuration tools. The system is currently deployed and being used by thousands of system administrators. The tool is being constantly updated as new features and products are introduced, a testimony to modularity and scalability of the design.